EngageInsight by Locus Elite

EngageInsight is your gateway to confident and informed public engagements. In just under a day, our advanced scanning technology dives deep into news and social media, delivering comprehensive profiles on individuals your agency considers engaging. From keynote speakers to collaborators, we ensure every potential interaction aligns with your values and public expectations. With EngageInsight Pro, mitigate risks, uphold your reputation, and make every decision with clarity and confidence.


How does EngageInsight by Locus Elite ensure the accuracy of its background checks?

We leverage advanced data analytics, AI-driven scanning technology, and a team of experienced analysts to meticulously comb through news and social media sources. We have access to 20 years of archives of news and social media postings.


What's included in the reports?

In-Depth Background Analysis: Comprehensive scans of news and social media for a complete overview.
Risk Identification: Early detection of controversies and risks associated with public figures.

Public Sentiment Assessment: Insights into public perceptions and the individual's influence on public opinion.
Network Exploration: Examination of key relationships with government and public figures.

Digital Footprint Overview: Detailed analysis of social media presence and expressed opinions.

Values and Beliefs Insights: Evaluation of personal values and beliefs as expressed in media and online.

Professional Reporting: Actionable reports tailored to support informed decision-making.

Can I access the articles and posts referenced in the EngageInsight reports?

Absolutely. We provide not just comprehensive analysis but also transparency. Along with our detailed reports, clients receive direct references to the articles, posts, and digital content from archives that underpin our analysis.