Solutions for Communications, Media and Governments

Citizen Intelligence for Governments

Government clients of Locus Elite receive the following services on a regular basis.

Policy Impact Analysis:
Evaluating the impact of public policies through social media and news reactions, helping in understanding the effectiveness and public reception of governmental actions.

Trend Detection: We identify and track trending topics and hashtags on social media platforms to monitor public interest areas and potential misinformation campaigns.
Geospatial Analysis: Mapping social media activity and news events to specific locations to identify geographic patterns in public sentiment, potential areas of unrest, or regions requiring immediate attention or resources.

Influencer and Key Opinion Leader Tracking: Monitoring influential social media accounts and public figures who significantly impact public opinion, to understand their positions on government policies and societal issues.

Content and Campaign Analysis: Assessing the reach and impact of government social media campaigns and public announcements to refine messaging and strategy.

Threat Detection and Security Insights: Analyzing social media and news for potential threats to public safety, security vulnerabilities, or emerging risks requiring government attention.

person using iMac

Media Intelligence

  • Impact of an announcement
  • Negative story forensics
  • Campaign tracker
  • Media Presence
  • Media outlet / Individual Forensics
  • Performance over time
  • Competitor analysis
  • New market/Country analysis
man using MacBook

Social Listening & Analytics

  • Mentions of your brands, account handles, key people etc.
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Measuring your audience and understanding them better
  • Reporting on campaign performance among other things.
high angle photo of person holding turned on smartphone with tall buildings background