Enhancements on Social Profiles

Jul 22, 2024

We have enhanced our existing Social Profiles feature.

Here are the key updates:

1 - Follower growth chart for social profile

This chart tracks how many new followers you gain each day, week or month helping you monitor the audience growth over time. We can view for any social media platform except Youtube.

high angle photo of person holding turned on smartphone with tall buildings background

2 - Capturing stories for Instagram

We are now capturing stories from Instagram, adding another dimension to your social media analytics. Analyse the performance of your stories alongside your regular posts to get a full picture of your engagement.

3 - Expanded Media Support

Our post engagement feature now supports all major social media platforms — Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube. Previously it only supported twitter and Instagram.

4 - Improved Load Times and User-Friendly Interface for post engagement

We’ve significantly reduced the load time for metrics. You no longer have to wait 3 minutes to view key metrics; some metrics are available almost instantly! And the tabs have been rearranged to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.